Avoid Admin Burnout & Get Sh*t Done

If you’re an artist who creates your own projects and takes on the lion’s share of the tasks when it comes to raising the funds, writing the funding applications, promoting and sharing your projects with audiences…

… you’re like me. And admin is bane of your existence.

You know the sinking feeling that comes with putting it off. You’re familiar with the rage at losing days to its boring details. Oof.

To help you complete your necessary admin efficiently, so you can get on with your art, here are 8 tools I use regularly.

8 tools to avoid admin burnout and get sh*t done:

1.  Break it down into small, clear steps for yourself. Make a big checklist. Tackle one thing at a time.
2.  Start now. Work on it everyday. Avoid last minute cramming. If you’re writing a grant, commit to opening your word doc everyday until it’s done. 
3.  Put a timer on. Stay focussed till the timer goes off.  52 min is ideal (here’s why). But, try 20 or 30 min first and work up to 52.
4.   If you’ve been at it for an hour or two and can’t think straight, take a walk. Get near trees. OR take a shower. Here’s why.
5.  Outsource the stuff you can’t stand.*  Which means, hire someone else to do it.
6.  Create a Buddy System. Make admin coffee dates with a pal, or check in on the phone, help each other out and hold each other accountable.
7. Remember everything takes 8x longer than you expect. (That’s a stat I made up that feels accurate to my pace). Especially anything with technology. Be nice to yourself.
 Can’t stop going online? Try ‘Self Control’ or turn off your router! Can’t stop checking your phone? Try ‘Forest’.

I hope these techniques help. Please drop me a line and let me know what worked for you, or if you have any other great productivity hacks.

*I recognise this is not always feasible, but if you can afford £20-30/wk it could be a game changer. When I was producing my last solo show,  I hired an amazing admin whiz (via Bossy) for 3hrs/wk to help with social media and emails. Best investment ever.